Fake news?

Now a days it seems for me it is time to be more cautious to be aware of the information and news around us. The information we receive change our perspective, our action , and also we can pursue people around us with it. During my meditation time , time of evaluating my self, I was checking and revisiting the information i communicate with people around me and receive from. Its importance is heavy i can say foundation for everything we are and we want to be.

famous word now a days it seems hearing fake news. I took the word seriously and got different perspective to see it. Jesus came with good news for us. The good news about God forgiveness and salvation. All his sermon and teaching was good news. He continuously mention his source for it. Credible source, God the father, the kingdom of God.

Challenge my self and the reader always to check the source of the information we use. The information we give as well we receive. Check the source is it credible source, from God with Holy Spirit ,His truth or from fake news provider the devil , the father of lie?

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